MJ Seo

Lead Teacher

E-RYT 500

Headshot of MJ Seo

I was introduced to yoga by my mom, who was completing her yoga teacher training. At the time, I was in high school in Korea. It was a weird meditation that my mom was doing, but I started to practice it on my own in college when I realized it was a great way to practice self-discipline. I reconnected with yoga in the U.S. when I became a mom after I fell flat on my face trying the crow pose. Instead of feeling embarrassed, I realized that it was a safe playground to feel free to fall.

I believe that yoga is a tool of empowerment for everybody, regardless of their age and physical condition, with which they find body awareness and connection to the mind. Since I myself am still on my journey of finding my true self through the practice of yoga, I am always happy to support everyone’s journey to find their true self or build a better connection with themselves.

I currently teach Vinyasa and Yin classes and also my own new class called “Mindful Yoga,” which focuses on true body awareness through sensations and movements through interaction with the students. I also offer private sessions when someone needs extra attention for specific purposes, such as birth preparation, pain management, or functional movement.

“Yoga is a journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

Bhagavad Gita

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